“These days 4 years ago, were all dreadfully anxious ones, & they are ever present to my mind. — Walked & drove will Lenchen, going to the Mausoleum. — Saw Mr Gladstone, who gave me a paper on the subject of the Duchy of Lancaster, & then Sir G. Grey, who had interviewed Mr C. Fortescue, who is going to Ireland in the place of Sir R. Peel. Also saw Ld Granville & Ld Clarendon, talking to the latter on the subject of the Treaty of Marriage for Lenchen. It is to be with Christian himself, there being such difficulty as to what title to give either his father or brother. In the case of Uncle Leopold, the Treaty was with him. Afterwards held a Council, at which the marriage was announced. — In the afternoon went on my pony, Lenchen & Christian walking. & Augusta S. & the Dean of Windsor dined with us. —“
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