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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria's Journal - The confirmation of Princess Alice of Albany, 9th April 1898

On the 9th April 1898, the confirmation of Princess Alice, daughter of Prince Leopold and granddaughter of Queen Victoria, took place in Cannes, France.

"Another splendid day. - Received on getting up, the annexed very interesting telegram from the Sirdar himself. The fighting must have been severe, & splendid on the part of our troops. The Cameron & Seaforth Highlanders evidently did admirably. - Out rather late with Ismay S. & sat in the Liser garden. - Left directly after an early luncheon, with Lenchen, Beatrice, Marie E., Edda, Ena & Drino for Cannes. Ismay S.,

Harriet P., Sir F. Edwards & Col: Carington were in attendance. [...]

Princess Alice on the day of her confirmation, 9th April 1898 © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III

[...] Drove from the station at Cannes direct to the Church of St. George, where Bertie & Helen met us & I was rolled in my chair through the church into the little Memorial Chapel, in which is erected dear Leopold's recumbent statue. Here were already seated Thyron of Cumberland, Arch Duke & Arch Duchess Rainer, Ernest of Cumberland, Ct & Cts Caserta & pce Nicolas of Nassau. We took our places nearer the altar. The officiating Clergy where the Bishop of Winchester, the Bishop of Gibraltar & Mr Aitken of St. George's. There were 3 Hymns, very well sung. The service was the usual Confirmation one & the Bishop of Winchester performed the rite. Helen fetched Alice before the service began, & came in with her & Charlie. Alice was simply dressed in white with a veil of tulle on her head. The Bishop of Winchester gave a very good charge, with some allusions to the peculiar associations of the building which had been erected in memory of dear Leopold, who died here. It was touching to see dear little Alice standing at the foot of her dear father's statue. Bertie sat next to me. When the service was over I was rolled out, as I came in, & just across the road, to the Bishop of Gibraltar's house, where I saw Helen & dear Alice. Gave the dear child, who is so good & promising, my presents, which consisted of a diamond pendant, the 2nd class of the V. & A. order, an Indian shawl, a prayer book & a little medal of an angel. Sweet child, it is so sad to think her father is not here to be so happy about & proud of her. May God bless, protect, shield & guide her through the trials & difficulties of life. Had some tea, after which I saw the Royalties, & Miss Potts (Alice's governess) & M Aitken the Bishop of Gibraltar & MIS Sandford. It is a very pretty little house they have got. - Got back at 6.30. The day had been very fine & the Villas & gardens at Cannes looked very bright & pretty. - Dictated to Beatrice, after 1 I got back. - Only the Ladies to dinner. Beatrice & Minnie C. played a little afterwards."

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