“After dinner, last night there came a telegram from Dr Playfair, who had gone out to Malta, to attend Marie in her confinement, saying “The Duchess & infant Princess going on quite well”, which astonished us very much, but was speedily followed by one from Affie, saying Marie had been safely delivered of a daughter & both were going on as well as possible. This is my 16th grand daughter & 25th grandchild, born on little Ernie’s birthday. Today is sweet little Maud’s. — A fine morning. — Walked with Beatrice. — Service at 12, at which Mr Rowsell preached very well, about Jacob, showing how much he had to suffer for his misconduct. — After luncheon looking at very interesting photographs of the Arctic Expedition. — Drove with Janie E. to the Mausoleum & Gardens, where I went over the houses, & then took a short turn. — Lenchen came to tea. — Saw Mr Martin afterwards, who was much gratified at the success of his book. — Only the Ladies to dinner. —“
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