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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria’s Journal - The birth of Prince Maurice of Battenberg, 3rd October 1891

Prince Maurice, dated April 1894 © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III

“I was woke at 4, to go to dear Beatrice, & before 7, she gave birth to a fine big boy. Everything went off quite well, & “unberufen” she could not be better. Such a contrast to that dreadful confinement here 4 years ago when dear little Eva was born. So thankful that all is safely over. Dr Williams again attended her. — Ld Cross came up & the Baby was shown him. — Went to my room & slept a little on the sofa, as I felt very tired, from the broken night, anxiety & excitement. Wrote many telegrams announcing the happy event. — Before going out at 12. I went to see after dear Beatrice, who has to be kept very quiet. — Drove with Lenchen & Harriet Christian, who is staying there, in the approach. — Emily A., Emily Loch, Ld Cross, Mr Yorke, & Mr Muther dined. We drank dear Beatrice’s the Baby’s healths. She is in a most satisfactory state. — Very sleepy & tired. —“

©Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

© Bodleian Libraries © ProQuest

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