"A very fine morning. - After breakfast began writing a letter & then went on deck. We landed at the Victoria Wharf at ½ p. 11, being received by La & LY Cadogan, Arthur, Louischen & their children, also by La Dufferin & La Meath. We 3 wore bunches of real shamrocks, & my bonnet & parasol were embroidered with silver shamrocks. - On entering my carriage, in which I sat alone, Lenchen & Beatrice opposite me, an Address was presented from the Chairman & Councillors of Kingstown & I said a few words in Landing my reply. The Procession, consisting of 4 carriages, then started, mine, coming last. Arthur rode near my carriage all the way & I had a travelling escort of the King's Dragoon Guards. The whole route from Kingstown to Dublin was much crowded, all the people cheering loudly & the decorations were beautiful. For some distance the road was kept by Blue Jackets, but in many parts of the more country roads, there was scarcely a policeman or so dier. There were many oval inscriotions put up suspended across the road, the following being 2 of them: 'Blest for ever is she who relied on Erin's honour & Erins pride", & "In her a thousand virtues closed as mother, Wife & Queen". At Ball's Bridge the travelling escort was replaced by a Sovereign's Escort of Life Guards, & a large number of military & other mounted officials joined the Procession. [...]

[.] At Lesson Bridge an Archway was erected, a facsimile of the entrance to Baggotrath Castle & according to the ancient custom the gates were closed till the Procession approached when Athlone Pursuivant at arms advanced saying "I demand to be admitted to the presence of the Lord Mayor." At the same moment the bugler on the top of the arch blew a blast. Art passed in & the gates were reclosed. Bowing to the L' Mayor he said "My Lord Mayor of Dublin I seek admission to the City of Dublin for Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, The La Mayor replying "On Behalf of the city I tender to Her Majesty the most hearty welcome to this ancient City & on her arrival the gate shall be thrown open on the instant." This was done & I passed in, my carriage stopping opposite the La Mayor who with the Aldermen, Councillors & Officials received me & presented the old city keys, 12 in number & 600 years old; the city sword was offered by the Lord Mayor (M* Devereux Pile). A loyal address was then read & presented to me in a beautiful gold casket. I answered "I thank you for your loyal address & this hearty reception. I am very glad to find myself again in Ireland." I handed him the written answer. The drive lasted 2 hours & ½. We went all along the Quays in the poorer parts of the town where thousands had gathered together & gave me a wildly enthusiastic greeting. At Trinity College the Students sang God save the Oueen & shoud themse ves hoarse. The cheers & often almost screams were quite deafening. Even the Nationalists in front of the City Hall seemed to forget their politics & cheered & waved their hats. It was really a wonderful reception I got & most gratifying. - La & LY Cadogan received & welcomed me at the door of the Vice Royal Lodge. I recognised the outside of the building but not the inside. I was rolled a good way to the staircase up which I was carried, as there was no lift. I have very comfortable rooms. We lunched in a small one next to my sitting room, which was formerly our bedroom. After luncheon. I wrote telegrams, then drove with Lenchen & Beatrice. - Rested a little after tea. Lenchen came in with some startling news from Bertie, who had been shot at as their train was leaving Brussels. A man jumped on to the step of the railway carriage in which he & Alix were sitting & fired straight at them.
Was greatly shocked & upset. Telegraphed at once to dear Bertie & Alix. & Arthur, Louischen & Daisy dined with us upstairs in the small dining room. Felt very tired."
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